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“Zoo is in your class” 

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Project founders:

Ivana Paunović, Medical School “Belgrade”, Belgrade, Serbia

Havva Sevgihan Sayıner, Bahaeddin Güney Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi, Antalya, Turkey

Пројекат “Zoo is in your class” трајao je од фебруара до јуна 2019. Циљеви пројекта су ширење свести о важности бриге о деци, прављење костима у облику животиња, како би се деци у вртићу приближио зоо врт уколико нису у могућности да га посете, унапређење струке код ученика-будућих васпитача, развој језичких и дигиталних вештина. Земље учеснице су Србија и Турска.


Project “Zoo Is in Your Class” was created to raise students’ awareness of taking care of children, to promote vocational skills, to promote tolerance and respect towards others, to broaden the students’ knowledge on some animal species and on the benefits of having a pet.

This project is a collection of animal costumes and masks made by our students, future kindergarten teachers, and implemented in the kindergarten, where our students attend their practice lessons, in order to make the zoo closer to the toddlers and kindergarteners.


1. Improve your English communication and communication skills.

2. Investigate local animals.

3. To give information about the researched animals.

4. To be able to design animal costume and space for drama activity

5. To present a drama activity called Animals and Living Places.

6. Inviting students with financial problems from other schools to follow the project.


Students visit the zoo. They collect information about animals and their habitats. When they come to school, they are divided into several groups to talk about the animals they saw. Students design animal costumes and the places where animals live. They begin to practice to transform the kindergarten into a zoo. 

To recognize and respect each other's values ​​and thoughts.

To establish long-term friendship among students from different countries.

To improve students' ICT skills and language skills.

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